Saturday, September 29, 2012

 This little lady turns the big 27 today!

Yep! That's me! I was 6 months old here.
Born the youngest child to my folks in Ardmore, Oklahoma late at night!
I'm not at the age yet where I dread my birthday! Maybe I never will be. I've definitely changed my views and likes over the years and have settled into my own ways. I like to love and laugh and sit down with a good book. I listen to bluegrass music and travel any chance I get. I'm a born again Christian.  I've been blessed more than I deserve. I've learned to take the storms of life and thunder through them holding the Lord's hand. I love to sing, but it's going to take a lot to get me to sing in front of people.  And...........I don't care for how fast the world moves.

Now, isn't that the face of an optimist or what?
Want to know what makes me smile so much?  It's because I've been redeemed by my Lord. There were dark days in my life before and still are but remembering that I'm not alone in it makes the light overcome the darkness. The Bible tells us that:
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. - John 1:5
So if you are currently having a rough morning or haven't had that first smile, dust off the Bible, have a cup o' joe and reconnect with the one who breathed life into you! Remember that if God brought you too it, he will bring you through it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

Making Laundry Soap Tutorial

Yes, I've now made my own laundry soap. Was it difficult? Time consuming? The answer is no and I, myself was quite surprised at how quickly it was made.

Ingredients:  The prices listed are a guess on the high end because I didn't keep my receipt.

Borax Laundry Booster  ($ $4.00)
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda  ($4.00)
Fels-Naptha bar soap (Zote or, Ivory...etc.) ($.97) (don't try bath soap; they contain oils and perfumes that can stain clothes and become an irritant to sensitive skin)

You can find these 3 items on the laundry aisle at your local Wal-mart, usually they are grouped together.

Make sure you specifically get Washing Soda, this is different than baking soda so please do not try to substitute it.
The purpose of the Washing Soda is to help remove odors and dirt.

Borax is a natural mineral otherwise known as sodium decaborate tetrahydrate and is used as a deodorizer and whitener. In case you are ingredient suspicious such as I am, it is also found in toothpaste and hand soap.

The Recipe!

1/2 bar Fels Naptha  (Ivory, Zote or Sunlight will also work)
½ cup washing soda
½ cup borax powder 
2 gallons water
A bucket (2-5 gallon) ( found near paint in Wal-mart)

Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan.  Add 6 cups water and heat it until the soap melts.  Add the washing soda and the borax, stirring until dissolved.  Once dissolved remove immediately from the heat.  Pour 4 cups hot water into your bucket Next, add your soap mixture and stir. Add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir. You will need to let your soap sit for 24 hours until it becomes a gel. Use 1/2 cup per load.

Next, you need a cheese grater to grate your bar of soap. I enlisted the help of my 8 year old.

Measure out the Borax and Washing Soda into a bowl, while you melt the soap along with 6 cups of water on the stovetop.

Once soap mixture is melted pour into your bucket and then add the 4 cups of hot water.  Stir
Now add 1 gallon; plus 6 cups of water and stir!
Notes: Low sudsing. It is the ingredients in the soap, not the suds, that does the cleaning.
               Clumping and geling of the detergent is normal.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Best Homemade Iced Coffee Ever!

There is no hiding it..................I like coffee and it likes me back!

I'm almost ashamed to admit that this quote is representing me! My husband says I should quit but you know what? That's like me telling him, stop eating sweets! Is it going to happen? Heck no! You know what he ate the other day? That big ole' hunk of man I call my husband ate 4 ice cream bars, and then after I sent him a homemade meal to work, he brings it back and tells me that someone at work brought cookies and he ate 6 of them! Anyways, I'm chasing rabbits so back to the main topic. My friend Rachel gave me this recipe for Iced Coffee so I decided to be nice and share it.
I'm part visual learner so I find that explaining in pictures is best!


Instant Coffee of your choice
Turbinado sugar (this is raw sugar) or regular white sugar.

Disclaimer: The format in which I give my recipes sometimes will reflect my style and not a textbook! So if you see any misspellings (it's how I talk) or informal directions it's on purpose and because I believe in getting to the point! No stick in the mud here! Living life shouldn't be filled with up-tightness!

First, get yer blender out! Toss a 1 cup of water in there,

Second, measure 3 tsp. of instant coffee, toss that in there,

Third, add in 5 tsp. of turbinado (or sugar of choice) in there,

Fourth, pour 2 cups of milk in there,

Last but not least add 2 cups of ice.

I have a setting that is called Ice Crusher or something of that nature and it breaks that ice into practically nothing. Depending on the strength of your blender you may need to blend once more.

It may be foamy on top at first, but that will go away! Enjoy!