As most of you know we've moved out of our apartment and are staying with friends for a short while. The last few days in the apartment were emotional for me because I was coming to terms that we were about to give up my "2nd child" the dog. If you've ever had a dog or animal that you loved like family and knew each other's schedules and little quirks then you will understand. After much prayer and thought into who we would allow to take her, the Lord gave me my answer. I had mentioned to my dad (who I'd thought wouldn't be interested) that I was still having a difficult time figuring this situation out. He left the room, made a call and came back and said he'd take her. God is so good!
Snuggling with Minnie like always |
Since this post isn't going to be very long I'm going to leave you with some photos of what I've accomplished recently. The photo is of what I was able to dwindle down my room and Emmaly's room to.
One last thing, we are currently working on building a website for our life as missionaries in Japan. We will eventually begin blogging from there. There are only so many hours in the day and preparing our documents, plus educating ourselves takes alot of our time right now. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, especially that God is glorified through our efforts to share the gospel with the nation of Japan.