We're coming.....
That's right! It's time for a breather. A taste of a green bean. A hug from my grandma. A view to watch the sun sink under the horizon, not a building. To drive and not constantly remind myself "other side other side other side." The comforting feeling when someone calls me ma'am. A time for people to tell me their stories and listen to mine. We depart Tokyo on July 31st to visit America for one month.
Fun Facts: July 31st, 2013 is when we left the U.S. soil two years ago. July 31st is Will's birthday. We leave Tokyo July 31st, 2015. We arrive in the U.S. July 31st, 2015. Emmaly's 11th birthday is August 3rd!
Now that your brain is a little stretched, you must know this will be my family's first visit back in two years. Things have changed for them. What you may not realize is while I was back last year I was taking into account all of the little and big "reverse cultural shocks" I was experiencing.
Reverse Cultural Shock by definition: The shock suffered by some people when they return home after a number of years overseas. This can result in unexpected difficulty in readjusting to the culture and values of the home country, now that the previously familiar has become unfamiliar.
We've only been gone 2 years, can you imagine someone who is gone 10? Our surroundings, abilities, tastes, portions and options have shifted. We will do our best, as some adjust better than others. So, if you see me walking barefoot slowly through the grass lost in thought, it's because I forgot the feeling. If we seem indecisive about what to eat, imagine a jar of beans was spilled and we have to pick up just one. If we speak in Japanese and do not notice it, count that a victory for us and just reply "Wakarimasen."
We are excited to see everyone and will be bouncing around between a few states. If you are interested in our speaking schedule please contact us. The majority of our stay however will be in Oklahoma. (You know the place where lazy hawks make circles in the sky.)
Things going on in the land of the rising sun! (It's rising before 5am now and will eventually rise around 4:30am. That's not a joke, the struggle is real.)
You do not see much of pre WW2 "Japan" in Tokyo. You can't. It's no longer standing but my love of history has lead me to carefully ask younger Japanese what specifically do they know about it. I've been answered with shrugs and "I don't knows." It made me want to ask older Japanese about this time but I don't out of respect. Time has passed, I sort of forgot about wanting to know and then out of the blue a conversation happened.
As I was leaving the bakery an older gentleman stopped me and began speaking English. This is a common occurrence where Japanese English speakers want to practice their English language skills. Normally it only lasts with a few common phrases. I usually respond in Japanese to get my practice in as well. It's an interesting exchange. However, he kept going. After asking where I was from he referenced my answer to the "Oklahoma" play/musical/film. He even sung a little. Then he continued with what I thought was a pop quiz of U.S. States and capitals. We were both spot on. I like a good geographical challenge. He backed the conversation up a little to the post World War 2 release of the film Oklahoma. I think he really liked it.
Soon after he began speaking about "height." He stated the average height of a Japanese man and woman during WW2 compared to today. According to him, he was a child during this time and the Americans brought them food and nourishment and it caused their height to improve. Now, I'm not an expert but I've heard this correlation before between malnourishment and height. Look at North Koreans. The man I was speaking with finally introduced himself as "Hiroshi" like Hiroshima. (His words, not mine.) We spoke for a few more moments and I invited him to church. Let's pray that he'll come!
Have I mentioned lately how amazing my husband is? He along with a team of willing workers remodeled the church basement. It's a huge improvement! He was so grateful that Marvin came out from the states to work along side him. We were able to use it for over flow for the conference that was held this last weekend. I know for the last session we had a least 168 people there, the church and basement were full, praise God! We are also having a Mother's Day Tea down there this weekend on raising Godly children! This is a much needed multi-use facility to be used to further the kingdom of God!. (Please check the photos out below.)
Emmaly has officially started 5th grade! Her Japanese is subarashii!!!!! She sounds natural using it and I appreciate her work as a translator for us. Also, during the basement remodel she worked diligently alongside her daddy!

Billy's favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" but don't be fooled. I taught him the song in Japanese and that's pretty much the only version he likes. He'll act disinterested if I sing it in English. Haha! Same goes with "Winnie the Pooh." Oh ya, he can sit up and crawl forward now. He's pretty much amazing.

Prayer Praise & Requests!
1) Back in February we renewed our visas and were approved for another 3 years in Japan! What that means is we won't have to redo tedious paperwork each year for now. Yay! 2) God has been faithful and continued to gradually raise our support, but we still have a little further to go before we are out of the red. 3) Relationships with non-Christian friends are showing fruit! 4) Please pray for us as we complete our 2nd year in Japan and begin the 3rd. It has been difficult for me in particular. We were taught way back at MTI that it would be like this, so it wasn't a shock. It's actually a good thing. The desert place has taught me once more to seek an even closer relationship with God. 5) Originally we agreed to come to Japan for 3 years or until God tells us it's time to go. The time to begin praying is now even though it's still over a year away. We want to be sure when the decision is made that it was from God's direction not our own fleshly desires. 6) Please pray that our time traveling to, during and from the United States is safe, productive, and a time of relaxation to recharge.
Thank you all for faithfully following our journey and for the countless prayers interceding on our behalf! God Bless.
Will, Nicole, Emmaly & Billy Olson
Basement Remodel! Before/After
