We have been back in Japan for a little over two months. It seems strange almost because it feels like yesterday when I was blessed to see so many faces in person that my heart longed for. As a family we are grateful for the time we were able to spend with everyone and to those that opened their doors to us.
Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu. (please picture me bowing in extreme thanks.)It felt awkward to stand outside of the Dallas airport waiting for our shuttle bus to the hotel. We'd just come through an extensive customs check. Our plane had disembarked alongside another that had just come from Cabo. I was slightly envious of their tans, beach hats and summer dresses. We figured out that we needed to call our hotel to send their shuttle bus. So we waited a little longer than anticipated. A very hyper young man was driving the bus and he politely changed the station during a Marilyn Manson song almost as if knowing what we are or do. I'm not sure what he changed it too because his driving made me nervous. He was a nice person.
We went to Altus first to gain our bearings in the slow paced town and try to get our jet lag in check. The following week we went to Oklahoma City and our first stop was to see my Grandpa who'd been on hospice since the previous December. He was able to meet Billy and see Emmaly once again. A couple weeks later while in Alabama we received word that he had passed away. So we cut out travels short to come back and I'm grateful that I was home in order to attend his memorial service.

Later, Will did a great job explaining what the past year had been like for us in regards to ministry. Since we have returned as you know by the previous newsletter things have taken a different turn. We are still working to help the Japanese people that God puts in front of us to understand salvation and the major and minor details of what being a Christian entails.
So what else is new? Oh yes! We are having an akachan (baby)!! Baby Olson #3 is a girl! Two weeks ago I'd been given 80-90% accuracy so I’m going to run with it. Yesterday, the same doctor said "I'm not sure, I can't tell." They can sure drive you nuts! She is due January 31
st (ish.) None of my children have been on time so I’m guessing she will be a February baby. We have a couple of names picked out but I'm being uncharacteristically indecisive. Being pregnant again is like winning a game show and they keep giving me options of prizes so I have to choose the best one! You'll just have to wait and see what we decide.
Wait? You may be saying what? A baby? Did you know while you were in America? No, no I didn’t. I wouldn't have jumped on a trampoline or drank so much coffee. Obviously, I also didn’t know when I climbed Mt. Fuji, but it makes for a great record in the baby book right? I didn’t have a clue for even a couple of weeks after we got back. My belly almost magically popped out and I squinted my eyes suspiciously at myself in the mirror and knew something was up. My good friend Chika came along to help with any confusing translation and I praise God she was there because it seemed like they didn't believe my possible claim at first due to many details. I proved them wrong didn't I? The doctor, after stating how many weeks I was seemed overly concerned apparently by the look on my face. He kept asking if I was happy or excited. Trust me I was, I guess my smile wasn't big enough. I was processing it. However, in retrospect I can see his concern because in Japan it's not always a happy occasion. So this is a pleasant surprise.
See photos of proof below. The second is a snapshot of her face! I think she is going to look like her daddy just by seeing this and that means he will have two twins! Those Olson genes are strong!

Billy is 1 year old! He began walking right before his birthday and now he runs! He can talk a lot, most of it is in another language that I haven't learned yet. Things I can understand include, Dada, mama, doggie, woof woof, wow, night night, and no. His favorite activities include lounging in the bath, taking walks and clapping to music. He recently got his first haircut. It was less than pleasant. Bless the sweet Japanese man cutting his hair. I couldn't figure out how to tell him the medical mask he was wearing was creeping Billy out. However, I appreciated that if he was truly sick he wasn't breathing it on us. Emmaly and I just laughed it off. What else could we do? Plus, now he doesn't have a shaggy crop of bangs in his eyes.

We celebrated Will and Emmaly's birthdays in America. Will's birthday was extended due to the being on the airplane and going back in time. Emmaly is getting ready to attend camp at the end of this month with her school. They are going to the Muira peninsula near the ocean. She's pretty excited. Apparently she's in charge of the games for her group on the bus and is rooming with some good friends. They also get to help cook which she loves.

Due to departing with the church we were told we would no longer be teaching with the Tama Christian Center which we expected. Will found a new teaching job pretty quickly and was given an extra activities stamp on his visa so he would legally be able to teach outside of a church here in Japan. With this teaching position he is making a little more money than he had before which closes our financial gap a little further. We've been blessed when it was least expected.
So despite the previous newsletter, things in general aren't too shabby! The holidays are coming and I'm pretty excited because it isn't as hard (as it was the first year) to come to a point of familiarity in how to celebrate it. It's important to keep some traditions alive in order to not feel so isolated on this island. We are celebrating Thanksgiving on a Sunday with some close friends. I'm so excited to eat!!!!! There's one catch. It's a 50/50 chance that Costco will have a Turkey. So just in case, I'm planning on getting that ham I lamented over last year. Afterwards we will decorate for Christmas. That tree is gonna have to go up high so little fingers won't be enticed to pull it down.
While in America our funds weren't raised as much as we hoped but we also don't feel comfortable pressing people for it. We try to live frugally but our savings we once had is depleted down. We've set a cap on it to not allow for more spending in case we need it for emergencies. It's untouchable if that makes sense. We call it the "plane ticket home money" if it comes to that. That came out more depressing than I wanted it to, haha. We've always trusted God to provide and he does. There are a couple of pressing needs we are going to ask for as much as it hurts!
Whether or not this baby is a girl or boy we are in need of repurchasing some baby essentials, especially clothes. I'd given away to other expectant mothers many things because even in my wildest dreams I didn't expect another baby so close. If you are interested in donating monetarily for baby supplies we'd much appreciate it. Remember, Jesus loves a cheerful giver.! Okay, a magician used that line on me once and I thought it was funny. If you choose to donate specifically for this cause please let me know so I can allot that separately.
Speaking of donations. If you were previously and continually our supporters you should have received an email stating our departure from PAZ and asking you to cancel that donation and move it over to our home church website. I will list it below. If you are interested in partnering with us please use the link.
Our family is listed under the Missions tab.