Happy New Year!
There once was a new Christian who after receiving the grace and salvation of Christ plateaued for awhile. She sat towards the back of her church and made nice friendly conversation, took notes in her Bible but rarely referenced back to them. She initially joined many ministries not because God placed the need on her heart, but just for something to do. She felt uneasy when people pried into her life and awkwardly accepted people's comments on praying for her.
Then one day when she wasn't able to fix or control things within her own power she stopped and asked God to give her life direction. The answer did not come over night for there were questions she needed to answer and experiences she needed to encounter that strengthened her walk with Him. When the path became slightly visible she had to acknowledge the significance of what God was showing her. There were people in this world who have never heard the name Jesus, but you have. Talking about Jesus is meaningless without the walk with Him. "My beloved child, are you willing to commit, though it won't be easy? You will leave behind everything you have always known and loved behind. Will you take up your cross?"
She said yes.

As this year begins ,we reflect on the immense changes we experienced in 2013. Our faith increased by many folds, our opinions, thoughts and responses have changed. We've made mistakes but experienced victories thanks to God! Our focus and visibility have become clearer. We have gained understanding where there was ignorance and more determination to deny ourselves and reflect more of Christ.
What you need to know right now! is that Japan is fruitful! The need is great for more missionaries. Satan is successfully convincing the Japanese that depression, suicide, abortion and ancestral worship are permissible. Their ugly heads pop up everywhere! However, when the lost are able to hear about Him who gives eternal life; they become full of the life that Christ intended for them. It's crucial that they have a Christian friend who can walk awhile with them during the beginning or they may plateau as I once did.
A reality that we've come to know; is for many people groups outside of America accepting salvation is not as easy as saying a prayer and then going on with life. It's a complete life change, in which you may never be accepted by your family or peers again. They have to be willing to take up their cross.

It is with that said I can share with you the burden that God has placed on our hearts. The children of Japan. So many innocent children who are lucky enough to be accepted into life fall prey to the sinfulness of our world. Soon their innocence is a faint memory and questionable at all if it ever even existed. Single handed we can't reach them all, but if we reach a few and care drastically for those few, then they will reach more and then they all can be reached.
Recently over the last couple of months Emmaly's friends have been coming each week to hang out. As we've gotten to know the regular group of girls better I've can't help but mother them sometimes and it's obvious even amongst the language barriers that these girls need to be hugged! They love it! We've been blessed to know them and serve the Lord by allowing the children to come to a place of security. They are worthy to come, their needs are just as important and they are valuable to Jesus!
Please continue to pray for the Japanese people and that the blindness will subside and that they will see the power of the gospel and our Redeemer. Your prayers aren't for nothing: We are seeing fruit!
We've grown comfortable and familiar with Japan and the tasks that God has set before us. Whether our time here is for 6 months or 6 years we have tried to make it worth the while. Allowing our visa situation to overwhelm us would get in the way of a life spent serving Christ. Many of my prayers begin with "God, I'm here; show me what you want me to see, show me what you want me to do....to hear....to speak.....Have thine own way Lord." Family and friends, God already has the answer to our visa status in his hands and we wait patiently for his answer.
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." - Proverbs 16:33
God bless you all!
- Will, Nicole & Emmaly Olson
Christmas Breakfast (Oiishi!)
New Years Eve!
Emmaly & Rinn
The Children's Christmas Party
The kids were able to decorate their own cupcakes!
Cupcake decorating and a film about the birth of Christ
Our fantastic translator explaining game rules

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