News from home & abroad…..
It was cloudy outside and raining some as I peered out the airplane window. I knew where I was. I know this route like the back of my hand. We came in from the west, turned slightly north to circle around the east side of the Oklahoma City skyline, over the Canadian River, over I-35; following it down above Moore. Seeing a year old tornado path etched into the red dirt below and finally crossing another well-traveled highway before touching familiar ground.
It was somewhat magical! Coming back to where I was most humanly comfortable. I knew life didn't stop when we left which made listening to the stories of family and friends all the more absorbing. Internally, I was torn. My flesh hadn't necessarily felt ready to leave Japan but it was time to come back and give a report of the work that we've witnessed God doing in Noborito, Japan. While in Oklahoma, I was blessed to stand before four churches and give a testimony of the growing After-school English/Bible program, Emmaly's weekly lifegroup and the newly formed Sunday school for children during the FUSE worship services. Are you catching a theme here? We've certainly noticed it. God doesn't want the children forgotten of Japan or any nationality.
While I was gone Emmaly began seeing a much needed Japanese tutor twice a week who helps her learn the terms specifically for her schoolwork. This has made such a difference in how she views attending school in a second language. This child is amazing. She's using Japanese naturally at school and with her friends. She's even begun asking me that repetitious question "Why mom?" in two languages.
We just celebrated her 10th birthday during one of her lifegroups. All of her friends are really into "Frozen" right now since it's still fairly new in Japan. If you think I'm tired of hearing the songs, think again because I get to hear it in two languages so that gives it a little mix.

I want you to look closely at these pictures. Obviously a few of these children are missionary kids! The friendships that they are cultivating despite language barriers and culture differences have the potential to grow deep roots. During this "play" time we've now been teaching Bibical truths with the help of a translator. A group that begin with about an average of 5-6 children has now weekly averaged 20-25. It's like that one movie we all know where the most famous line is "If you build it, he will come." If Emmaly keeps inviting kids, which she will, they will come and we're going to run out of room. It's a good problem to have and gives us confidence that this is the direction God wants us to go.
If you are a little skeptical that this can work, one of our awesome translators was one of these kids. Invited to a weekly get together for kids by the Japanese church; She was taught and understood God is the creator and offers an amazing gift of salvation!
Years later......her mother's heart became aware of this same salvation and accepted it. In the presence of her family, friends, discipler and a band of angels rejoicing she was baptized a couple of weeks ago along with 3 other precious souls! Jesus is impacting the Japanese! Their testimonies that they shared about being lost and then found by the Shepherd were awesome!!
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" - John 1:12
Speaking of children. The little wee one being carefully knitted inside of me already been showered with so much love and is almost quite ready for life on the outside. The wonderful women of Fairview Baptist and Emmanuel Baptist both threw me a surprise baby shower! Honestly, I had no clue. I was even staying at the home of my friend who made my cake. Still no clue, that the adorable cake sitting on the counter was for "my baby shower." It's understandable once you know and realize that she is a professional cake decorator! An amazing one at that! I came back to Japan with an arsenal of baby stuff. and money to purchase a crib.
Isn't this the cutest cake?

Since returning I've been visiting the doctor frequently. Here in Japan it appears that they are a little more cautious during pregnancy so you see the doctor more often. I get to see the baby each time on the ultrasound and get handed a beautiful little picture afterwards. I have a fantastic translator Yoshiko who helps to clarify the things that I do not understand. About a month ago they told me that Billy was still breech and they wanted to monitor me weekly. They didn't seem overly concerned but mentioned that if he doesn't turn they want to schedule a cesarean around 38 weeks. They want to make the decision at 36 weeks. So here we are a month later and he's still breech. Praise God he's growing at the right pace and all blood test are normal. I just think he's comfortable where he's at. I leave it in God's hands for how he comes into the world. We are embarking upon week 35 and he's still snuggled in the same position.
The talk of a cesarean seems to be becoming chiseled in stone.
With this information, we need your help! This is really the least favorite part of our newsletters. The cost of giving birth increased with the need of a C-section. We are looking to raise the extra $2,000 in medical costs. If you think you can help please let us know!
As always, we are open and transparent with how our fundraising currently is. At this moment we are still $1850.00 underfunded monthly. While we do teach English classes this covers only $800.00 monthly. From our sponsors we receive $1350.00 monthly.
We use our savings to make up the difference, however due to high living expenses even within our frugal family we have gone through over half of our savings. If you would like to become a monthly sponsor please contact us on how!
We do have an idea we would like to share! It wasn't my idea but I love it! While I was back home, the Ladies Sunday school that I was once a part of began collecting at least $1 from each member. We have been humbled and excited by the figures that are sent each week. If you have a Sunday school class or Bible study group that would like to support a missionary in this fashion please pray about it and let us know! We will let you know where to direct the funds.
As always, God bless you all!
Will, Nicole & Emmaly Olson
When donating, please make sure to click our name in the dropbox.
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