We want to officially introduce our newest addition!
Madelyn Miya Olson was born on January 30th at 11:35pm.
Within minutes of sending Will off to work I felt my first contraction. However, I had to push it past me and deal with other pressing matters which was my son. He awoke with a fever and wanted me to cuddle him and that's exactly what we did until Will came home from work later that afternoon. Surprisingly, my contractions were manageable during this whole time. It wasn't until Will arrived that I made the call to go to the hospital. The contractions were 10 minutes apart which is when my doctor wanted me to go in. So we gathered up my hospital bags and walked there. Not wanting to draw attention to myself if I began having a contraction while walking, I would just stop and stand still. Will and Emmaly knew, I knew, but no one else did. My facial expressions remained normal. It was only a ten minute walk. One done in defiance despite the urging of the nurse on call. I didn't want to pay for a taxi, plus the walking helps!
Upon arriving it seemed I was going to re-live some of the irritants that I experienced for Billy's birth. My contractions slowed down. While monitoring me the nurses only witnessed two contractions in one hour. They were contemplating sending me home. Will had left and was on his way with Billy to the hospital due to his fever spiking higher. But the hospital couldn't see Billy. I still don't understand hospitals here. Our friends took Billy and Emmaly back home until Will could take Billy to a clinic that would be opening the following hour. Once Will was back with me the nurses decided to keep me. I broke down a little because I wanted to be with Billy and get him better first. However, my contractions picked right up and they took me to the waiting labor room. I began praying hard. Not only for myself but Billy and the Japanese mama in the bed next to me.
Second act of defiance occurs. Once the nurses helped me change I refused to lay down. I wasn't going through that shenanigan again. So I walked up and down the hallway as well as the room and only laid down when I truly wanted to. Poor Will was hungry so he went next door to the conbini, came back, ate and then tried to take a nap. Around 9:30pm the contractions picked up in intensity and it became harder to talk. I kept walking until before 11pm. I couldn't get out of the bed. The nurse told me it was time to go to the labor room but I was useless and couldn't move so two nurses carried me down the hall. I couldn't get on the labor bed despite their urging because the contractions were paralyzingly so close together. So they helped me once again. About 20 minutes later Maddie was born. She was my quickest, and most productive labor. Thanks to many prayers and encouragement.
I was shaking so much, I went from being hot to cold so quickly. I couldn't warm up. Will had to hold Maddie soon after they gave her to me because I was extremely tired and could hardly open my eyes. A couple hours later the nurses told Will he could go home, Maddie went to the nursery and they noticed my blood pressure was low. They also noticed a large pool of blood on the floor unbeknowest to Will or I. I believe that explains the chills, fatigue and low blood pressure. I had to lay on the uncomfortable table for 2 more hours while they monitored me and pumped me with medicine. I did get to hear the birth of another little girl and watch the nurses clean her up. So that was a blessing!
It only gets more interesting from here. Because my labor picked up, Will wasn't able to take Billy to the doctor but his fever did go down that night. Praise God! A few days later, while many of us moms were waiting downstairs by the nursery one of my roommates and I began talking. She asked me about my son. At first I was a little confused. She knew when he was born. I figured out she was telling me that we were here together last time. She had a daughter the day before I had Billy. I think we were roommates before too. This time our babies share a birthday. Her son was born about 12 hours before Maddie. How crazy, how amazing right? We got to visit again at the 1 month check up and are making plans to get together again.

During the last six months God has been molding us, preparing us for those he is about to set in our path. Upon leaving the Noborito church I've had time to reflect on how God wants me to particular to share the gospel. I've discussed with Will before how I feel fortunate that I was saved when I was 20 and not as a child. I see things differently. Before that I'd been backed into uncomfortable corners by Christians. Pressured, falsely led, made to feel belittled and just plain wrong. I've learned from my own experiences on how not to share the gospel. This doesn't mean in my walk with Christ that I haven't made "gospel-sharing" mistakes. We are walking away from a numbers based system and while numbers are important, 1 led to Christ based upon "Truth" is a reason to celebrate years of ministry in Japan.
As we meet with non-Christians it's not about being right. It never has been. It's about Jesus saving lives. Thinking eternally which isn't always easy. Being available as a means for Christ to reach someone even if we don't feel confident. We listen, ask questions, and let them ask us anything freely. So with the story I'm about to share with you please open your mind in understanding that it's important we don't mentally belittle the woman mentioned because she needs your prayers. Her life needs saved.
As a family we love to go on walks. In late October we were out venturing enjoying the last of the beautiful weather before cold sets in. We came to Motomachi (my first workplace in Japan.) It's an endearing little stoned lined street with relaxed music playing. It's in an expat rich area and serves as a higher end shopping venue for Japanese and tourists. Next door is Chinatown. While Will and Billy stopped to get a bite to eat, Emmaly and I kept walking. A family approached Will eager to snap a picture and practice their English skills. By the time we met back up they had departed but I later received a message from the wife. I first met this family at our Thanksgiving dinner. After we'd eaten and were visiting she came to sit beside me and inquired about how I was feeling during this pregnancy. My only complaint was my back pain and almost instantly she pulled out what I thought was a train pass card holder. When she opened it it contained two pieces of paper behind the plastic protector. Each had a kanji symbol on it. I think they may have been the same. The attention was pointed out only to the one on the left. She explained that she would meditate on it when she was pregnant and receive power from it. It took a lot to keep my eyebrows from rising. I kept listening. She asked me to take a moment to meditate on it, she would as well. To be polite I let her continue and just sat there nicely. Once she finished she asked if I felt what she felt and if my back pain was gone. I answered honestly, no. Her demeanor seemed drastically enthusiatic afterwards and she mentioned being much warmer. That was that. Later, I told Will about it and that God was telling me over and over again this was wrong. Which is obvious to a Christian, others not so much.
After I gave birth to Maddie, she came over for a visit while I was home alone. We talked and enjoyed our conversation for quite sometime. She later said she was going to call a friend so we could Facetime. Her reasoning was due to her lack of English and my lack of Japanese. Ironically, we had been holding a decent conversation in both languages. I was somewhat baffled but she called anyway. After meeting her Japanese friend via Facetime, she began talking in Japanese so her friend could translate. I was surprised when she brought up the incident from Thanksgiving. Apparently my no wasn't clear enough. She was asking if I felt different after that and if it carried through until now. So I shared with her friend that it didn't have an effect on me but before I could finish she pulled the little booklet back out. This time she really emphasized it's power and how it could bring me peace. (I didn't think I was peace-less.) Now I had two of them pushing me. I was praying quickly, "Lord, give me words to help them understand I won't do this."
I was explaining to her that my back pain was just a symptom of being pregnant and it was gone after giving birth. This didn't seem to appease her. Then bam! Her friend said something that kicked me into a higher gear. She said "She knows you are a Christian but it's ok to ask for power from the symbol. Anyone can do this." You know that feeling as if you are a lion and you are waiting to pounce, well that was me, but in reality you can't just pounce.
The words began rolling off my tongue about how this would be considered an idol and as a Christian we are to not worship them. I shared with her how we meditate on the word of God and receive peace in this. Not to make this long and drawn out. I was still worried I might have offended her (I could care less if I offended the devil and the symbol) but she wants to continue to meet and was interested in our weekly Bible study. Her friend will return from Australia in the summertime and would like to meet us in person as well. After talking awhile longer she brought up that she attended a Catholic elementary and Protestant high school, however had no true knowledge of the difference. She barely knew of Jesus Christ.
I know God placed this akward situation in my life for a reason and I believe because I was trusting God's guidance I handled it well. My eyes were opened to how the devil can be sneaky in unexpected ways and have a strong hold on people. Despite her claims of receiving peace from the symbol I wasn't buying it based on her countenace. There's a heaviness around her. I feel drawn to fight for her. Please keep her in your prayers, as well as the endurance it will take to reach her.
We've moved. We were pretty much forced to. Noborito is changing almost daily. The old is coming down and new being rebuild in rapid speed. For two reasons, earthquakes updates and plans to renovate the area surrounding the train station such as a mall being built eventually. We love our new apartment. It's slightly larger and newer (1990.) We're in Shukugawara now though Noborito is a stone's throw away. I think we only moved a quarter-half mile.

With moving came a higher rent. Anything cheaper was smaller and older. With age it has extreme potential to be torn down. Besides, our growing family wouldn't accommodate them. Heck, by American standards we are still sardines in a can here. With higher rent and a larger family comes expanding costs. For example, baby necessities, doctor bills, train costs to church and health insurance. While our original support did double after we arrived the percentage has changed due to two little family members joining us. So our support is still significantly low. We count any donation big and small a huge relief. Will's job adds more cushion but still isn't enough.
This new year is opening up opportunities to continue reaching the lost in Japan and we are eager to finish the work he sent us here for. Please pray and consider supporting us. I can't stress enough that it's extremely important to let us know if you are supporting us due to the system in which donations funnel through.
Please send donations to http://fairviewbaptistedmond.org/?page_id=1171 Click on the Missions tab
Prayer Requests and Praise: 1) Reaching the Japanese. Specifically for those we are currently sharing with. 2) Consideration for partnering financially with us. 3) The upcoming 5th year anniversary (3/11) of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. 4) Our Bible study that we are holding weekly in our home. 5) One of our Bible study members is seeing God work in her family. Her husband and daughter are now attending church! 6) We had a great turnout for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Sakura blossoms will be here soon and we will be spending more time outside enjoying creation. Until next time, God Bless you all!
The Olsons


One last thing. I thought some might be interested in our day to day life here in Japan. So I'll share my recent trip to the store. Japanese grocery stores are small, do not carry very many international products and can become congested in the early morning and late evening.

This is my fancy transportation. However, 95% of the time I walk to the store.

This is the entrance. Japanese produce is very and I stress very seasonal. It's not afforable if it is there and it's out of season. Japanese grapes are some of the most amazing grapes I've ever eaten. They are bursting with flavor. It's like drinking grape juice. Sadly, you won't find American sweet potatoes with their familiar orange insides but there are Japanese sweet potatoes.

Go ahead, make some faces but just so you know, squid isn't that bad when not in this form. I'm used to sights like these and no I've never purchased it.

Everything is always fresh. The seafood section also carries normal fish, tuna, salmon, mackeral, etc. There is also a sushi and sashimi section.

So what did I buy? Fresh spinach, eggs, cheese, and mushrooms (not pictured.) Our carts are small. It's part of the reason we run to the store every other day. Those cartons there are Billy's milk addiction.