Of the thousands in Tokyo, I chose the American themed coffee shop to sit down and write this. I was greeted by the voice of Reba McIntire singing overhead when I stepped through the door. Another Okie girl like myself. They really do a decent job of their decor here though some of it I question. Like the U.S. postal tubs sitting near me. Is that even legal? It gives an odd sense of comfort. First Reba, then a reminder of my post office days and finally they bring my ice coffee in a mason jar. I think I just made best friends with this place. It seems God knows where to direct me right when I need it. Though I'm sitting in the largest urban city in the world and those around me have no clue of the glee within me at this moment those basic temporary happiness ticks of mine have found their way straight to me.
When I'm asked where I'm from in America and I respond "Oklahoma" I usually get blank stares. Upon this reaction I then ask if they know where Texas is? Of course! Well, it's right above it. Then they know. Sometimes they inquire of what Oklahoma consists of so I get to explain. Then they know more about Oklahoma. A piece of geographical information they did not know a moment before, they do now. They may remember from now on where Oklahoma is. That they met a lady from there.
The same can be said for the next question, "Why are you in Japan?" The river of conversation flows differently based upon the intrigue of each questioner. However, they now know more about Christianity. A door of opportunity opened. Sometimes it gets shut other times the exchange of questions and answers continues for some time. Many times, the questioner goes away with a new knowledge of who God is. A piece of important life changing information they did not know a moment before, they do now.
Recently, our hearts have been burdened with a truth that has stared us right in the face. We knew it coming here, but living it is a whole new story. There aren't enough missionaries here in Japan or any other unreached people group in the world. Yes, Japan though it is a very first world country it is the second largest unreached people group. Statistically, only 3% of missionaries go to unreached people groups and only 0.01% of mission giving goes to evangelizing unreached people groups.
Why is it that Japan has so few missionaries?
According to the Joshua Project (<---- click to find out more), in the 10/40 window group 60% of unreached people groups live in countries closed to North American missionaries.While the Japanese are skeptical of religion, they are far from hostile. You're allowed to be here on a religious visa.

Why are they skeptical?
For the exact same reason that Americans have become skeptical. They have been hurt by it, lied to by false teachers, etc. A painful memory comes from the 1995 Tokyo Sarin Gas Attack. This was carried out by a doomsday cult whose leader declared himself to be "Christ." We have seen the same similar thing happen many times in America. The difference here is that Japanese culture does not have a Christian basis. When speaking of God, you need to define who God is. As the creator God. This is due to the presence of Shintoism and it's belief of many gods. As well as the concept of sin. It's not here. When they haven't heard of the creation, then the fall of man, why would they understand? This is important to grasp. You can't just start pointing out sin and say "Repent." Teach that God is the creator, about the fall of man, then the need for Jesus.
What attracts Japanese to the gospel?
Well that depends on where you are and who you talk to. It's commonly thought by the younger Japanese generation that church here in Japan is small, rigid and full of the oldest generations. They think there isn't anything for them. One key advantage we have here is being different. We are internationalized and those internationalized Japanese are attracted towards us and wonder why we are here. This is one of the groups we have realized we are able to reach during this season of our ministry in Japan. This can always shift later with the continuing improvement of the language skill and other doors the Lord opens. Ultimately, Christ is the main feature but first to find common ground is the beginning.
"....To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.." 1 Cor. 9:22-23
We are already very excited about coming back to Japan after our furlough! We just finished our new membership class at the Tokyo Baptist Church in Shibuya, Japan and hoping to finish another class before we leave to put us one step closer to being able to help the church out with full-time mission work when we get back! TBC has been a breath of fresh air for us. I've already joined a "Mom's in Prayer" weekly group. It was powerful to be able to pray with other moms literally from all over the world. We were a group of women from Japan, Singapore, Jamaica, England, Madagascar, America and the Philippines. (I could listen to the mother from England read scripture all day. It was so beautifully read.)
If you would like to begin supporting us we are so excited to have you partner with us. If you are currently supporting us we thank you once again! Donations, regardless of the size always make a difference and are appreciated.
How can you donate?
Online: Click here and then click the Donate button!
You have the option to give one time or have monthly recurring donations
By Mail: Please make your checks payable to "Will & Nicole Olson (missions in Japan) to
Fairview Baptist Church 1230 N. Sooner Rd. Edmond, Oklahoma 73034

We hope by now you've seen the value of the Gospel being verbally communicated in Japan. We are looking forward to our time in America and telling you more about the need for the gospel for Japan as well as catching up on life. God bless you all and we will see you in October!
~Will, Nicole, Emmaly, Billy & Maddie Olson |
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