Sunday, December 2, 2012

Decluttering and Detoxing!

I know I'm slow about keeping up with this blog. But I have great excuses for it. Since we are moving to Japan next summer I've had to clean out the house and sell most of our furniture off and give away alot. I've never been one to store alot of unneeded stuff and could never be accused of being a hoarder so the challenge has been more with giving away things I was using. I'm still okay with all of this however. I like seeing the stuff go, I eventually want to live simply with only what I need or what my hobbies consist of. We are currently sleeping on air mattresses, ours kept losing air until my husband fixed it. Trust me, waking up every night half sunk into the mattress isn't a treat!

The only things left to sell are our recliners, table, washer and dryer. I have some trusted family and friends who have offered up to store the things I can't part with, heirlooms and photo albums and the like. But soon it will be what we can carry in our suitcases and on our backs. Wow, how we truly must trust the Lord!

This week I went on a detox that was long overdue. No this isn't a silly fad diet, it's extremely realistic. It changes from a temporary thing to a permanent lifestyle if you let it be and that is my goal.  For months I've been slowly weaning my family off processed foods, gmos, chemical perservatives and the such. My goal is to switch from eating a majority of processed foods to a majority of raw fruits and vegetables, fish and chicken. Minimizing the intake of fake food, because I know there will be times or situations when that may be all I have. I'm no expert but I think I could write my own book about how awful today's food is, including the pesticides sprayed on our food. I firmly believe what is in our food is the reasons for many many many cancers and obesity....but I will jump off that bandwagon for now. Now, I'm no skinny minnie, I've got a curve here or there but I'd rather be healthy than a ridiculously pencil thin woman subjecting herself to every diet known possible. If loose some weight that's just an added bonus.

Day 1 started out fine, the cooking required alot of prepping and I like a few recipes here and there. This 7-day tune up by no means deprives you of food, it even offers healthier dessert alternatives. I haven't been able to eat all the recipes the book offers. By the end of Day 1 I felt weak, sore and sick to my stomach. I didn't realize the releasing of unhealthy toxins would take effect so quickly. So I went to sleep and woke up feeling fine, but not long on Day 2 I started to feel sluggish but I trucked on through and kept up with the meal schedule. As I was preparing lunch I felt like a snail. This is not typical of myself so I decided to look up why I was feeling this way. Sure enough my idea of body ridding of toxins was supposed to be happening. Now the book recommended supplements, but I hate taking pills and I was firm about not adding them into this diet, but by the end of day 2 I caved and picked up the recommendation for Spiralina, which supports the immune system and a varied supply of health benefits. So now we are at Day 3, I woke up again with my stomach hurting a little, but very tired. Even though the dosage is 2 pills, I took one and watched some television (Rare Indeed!) thinking this isn't going to work. After about 30 minutes I started feeling a little better, my body seemed to wake up fully and here I am blogging like I would normally do. I read something last night that struck me, the statement was this. "During detox, after ridding the toxins and sugars your body is going to show you how tired it really is, since processing the fake ingredients take alot of extra work." Hmmmm. It makes alot of sense.

So I will continue this detox and turn it into a lifestyle. We had some delicious cod with veggies last night so there is hope........


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